Monday 3 March 2014

New week, new visual design project!

New week, new visual design project!

So the self portrait project is over for now...which means more awesome stuff to do! Today we've been set the 'reef character project' in which we have to create a humanoid character which - funnily enough - has to be related in some way to deep sea creatures/reefs.
I'm really, really excited about this project and I've started planning out my ideas already and creating mood boards using Pinterest. 

I started off by looking into images of the Great Barrier Reef and various different types of coral that exist undersea. Whenever I see anemones I always think of 'Finding Nemo' which makes me a little sad but who cares because it's so pretty! Back to the mood boards...

I also looked into various sea creatures (there are three mood boards for this so I'll just attach the one with the weirdest creatures on it) that vary in colour and weirdness. I particularly like the dude in the bottom right hand corner. He/she/it reminds me of myself when I find out my gladiator won't animate properly in 3DS Max. From looking at coral and various odd deep sea creatures, this make me think about a certain virus that bears visual similarities to coral. This particular virus being Cordyceps. (The name even sounds cool) 

Cordyceps literally looks like explosions of coral. Pretty awesome huh? 


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