Sunday 25 January 2015

This week was pretty much the same as last week. More fixing up of particles and crying over Cascade yet again. This post will also be super short as we're super busy...

However, I did make a start on the modelling this week. As mentioned in previous posts, we've got bioluminescent plants in the lower sections of the level, and it's my job to model them. I modelled about 17 (ish) and then made a variety of different clumps of them so it'd be easier to arrange them in engine. Texturing these was the best part though as I've recently purchased NDO and this was the first time using it. Ahhhhh, it's so awesome!
Since first year I seem to have lost the ability to check for nGons before exporting so Amber has been hitting me every now and then. 

In addition to these mushrooms, I also modelled some vines, leaves and various other plants to populate the level and make it look super pretty.
I also forgot to check for nGons on these too. I'm an idiot. Amber hates me.

Its gotten to the point where we're all panicking about the looming deadline now. We've got one week to go and still quite a lot to do. Yeah, we've definitely been ambitious with what we wanted to do, but I'm sure we can pull it off. Hopefully.
Week 17: nGons are SO not cool.

Week 17: nGons are SO not cool.

Sunday 18 January 2015

So I don't really have too much to say for this week as I've been busy screaming at Cascade and worrying about internships.

However, I did manage to make some pretty cool stuff! In my group, I've been assigned lighting, particle effects and the organic assets. SUPER FUN.

Onto the particles. Or 'particools' as we've all been calling them as they make everything look awesome! We'd decided we wanted fog/mist, sparks, dripping water and some form of dust and/or spores.
I managed to get the sparks and the floor fog working perfectly, however I had a few issues with the spores and they required a lot of changing. Arghhhh.

For a start, they looked like snow. Not really the look we were going for but hey ho. This was a quick fix though and after some feedback, it finally started to look more spore like.

The presentation actually went pretty well too. For once. Mike wasn't sure on the idea as he felt it needed to be more container like so as soon as it was all over, we all rushed into the labs to devise a new 'plan of action'. We decided to change the colour scheme ever so slightly and have assets within the level itself made out of containers. For example, in the habitation area, we've chosen to have container lockers, container get the idea.

Week 16: Particools

Week 16: Particools

Sunday 11 January 2015

So today was the first day back after a few weeks off which can only mean one thing...yep, you guessed it - new project!

This time we've been set another group project which involves making an environment out of shipping containers. At first, I wasn't totally sure I liked the idea...but then we got given two theme choices. Dystopian or sci-fi. Life. Made. Sounds awesome, right? The whole project is solely based on creating a playable, interactive level with atmospheric lighting.

Although we've only been working on it for a few hours, we've already managed to settle on a final(ish) idea and James got a blockout set up in UE4 whilst the rest of us were creating time plans and mood boards. Ahhhh I love this project so much already!

Our initial idea was to create a modular space station that has crashed on an alien planet. Similar to the film Pandorum, the level starts off with the player exiting a Cryo-tube, not knowing the ship has crashed. Our optimism was dwindling by the second day though, and we all felt a bit like this...

However, after speaking to Mike, he liked the overall idea, and suggested some fab ways of making it more unique! Cue bio-luminescent plants and rotated corridors...

The first iteration was created by James using BSP brushes in UE4, however, a number of issues were encountered later on down the line which meant the whole thing had to be rebuilt. This was actually super useful though as it meant we could redesign areas of the level to make them more suitable for the length of the project.

By the end of this week, we'd managed to produce a 'final' iteration after being told our level was too big. Ooops.